Jenna’s Invisalign Journey Introduction

Jenna Wigley's Invisalign Journey Hello CrownWood patients and friends, I am one of the nurses here at CrownWood Dental and have recently started Invisalign. We thought it would be a nice idea for me to document my experiences (a monthly blog) while undergoing Invisalign, for patients who may be interested in the treatment or for patients already undergoing treatment and looking for a bit of reassurance and support.

I thought I’d start by explaining the process leading up to the fitting of my first trays. My first appointment was an assessment consultation, where Dr Wong assessed whether Invisalign would be something for me, as I am having treatment to correct my edge to edge bite. During this appointment Dr Wong used a new machine called an iTero machine to simulate a 3D image of my teeth, instead of the old way which would be to take impressions and then send it off to the lab. So, if you are not a massive fan of impressions (which most patients aren’t) this is a huge benefit to the course of Invisalign treatment. Also, during this appointment, detailed pictures were taken from all different angles and my facial profile to uploaded onto my online portfolio.

The next stage was my clincheck, which is the 3D image of my teeth but with a simulation of how my teeth will move and showed me what the end result would look like. Dr Wong needed to make sure I was 100% happy before finalising this, as there is no going back after this stage. Then all that was left to do, was wait for my trays to arrive at the practice and have my next appointment.