Join us at our exciting ‘Invisalign Discovery Day’ between 8am-5pm where you’ll be able to meet our expert team to discuss the benefits of Invisalign invisible braces.

You’ll also receive a FREE initial 30 minute assessment and a FREE iTero 3D scan so you’ll be able to see how your new smile will look. There is also an EXCLUSIVE ‘on the day’ offer that could save you over £1,500. ?

SAVE £800* on invisible braces plus:

FREE Teeth Whitening (worth £320)

FREE Removable Retainers (worth £250)

FREE 12 months aftercare (worth £200)

FREE Initial 30 minute assessment to discuss options

FREE iTero 3D Scan – see your new smile!

FREE refreshments available on the day

FREE Raffle to win electric toothbrush on the day

*Terms and conditions apply

Invisalign invisible braces can help you achieve the smile you’ve always dreamed of. Come along to our Discovery Day and get your life-changing teeth straightening treatment underway! ?

Book Now!

? Contact Lisa Bonello on 01344 300 417 or 07765 333 768

? email Lisa Bonello, our Patient Care Co-Ordinator, at pc@crownwooddental.co.uk

Find out more about Invisalign here ➡️ https://bit.ly/30ON2fl

Choose CrownWood for dental treatment and benefit from:
⭐️ One of the top 5* Google rated dental practices in Berkshire (Over 200+ 5* reviews)
⭐️ Highly experienced team
⭐️ Fantastic treatment range
⭐️ Competitive prices
⭐️ The latest technology and treatments
⭐️ Welcoming and modern clinic

Are you thinking about straightening your teeth?

Maybe by watching a testimonial from our lovely client Kira will help you to make a decision.

Kira had the Invisalign® treatment with us recently: “I had treatment because I was unhappy with my smile and since having it, I’m much more confident. The treatment was straightforward and the aligners were comfortable and I got used to them very quickly.”

For more information on how Invisalign® invisible braces could change your life, please call us on 01344 482 882 or visit our website:-


Jenna’s Invisalign Journey – Months 9 and 10

I have now finished my first course of Invisalign treatment. This treatment consisted of 25 trays which I changed every 2 weeks.

I am now in the refinement stage, where I have had my attachments and buttons (for my elastics) removed. Refinement is where the teeth are rescanned with the Itero machine (3D scanner) and it comes up with another course of treatment to hone the finished product and attempt to achieve a result as close to perfect as Dr Wong would like.

While I am waiting for my new trays to arrive from America, I will keep my last trays in (tray no. 25) and wear them all the time to keep my teeth in position to make sure they do not relapse.

Once my trays are back from America, I will have more attachments placed and continue with the trays like I did before.

Our New Frontage looks AMAZING!

What do you think of our new clinic frontage? We are super excited to see our project come together.

INVISALIGN Open Day – 9th November 2019

Have you been thinking about straightening your teeth? Then come along to our OPEN DAY in November.

✅ SAVE £1,150 on invisible braces at the INVISALIGN OPEN DAY

✓ FREE Consultation (Worth £35)
✓ FREE Teeth Whitening (Worth £270)
✓ FREE Removable Retainers (Worth £250)
✓ FREE 12 months aftercare (Worth £70)
✓ See your smile before treatment (free ITero scan)

? Book now to secure your spot! ?

Call us on 01344 482 882 or email pc@crownwooddental.co.uk

To find out more about how Invisalign works, why not take a look at Jenna’s Journey by clicking the link https://www.crownwooddental.co.uk/news/?cat=1

Jenna’s Invisalign Journey – Months 7 and 8

I’m noticing massive changes now in regards to my bite, as this is what my treatment is correcting.

I looked over my photos before I started the treatment and the changes are HUGE.

This is really motivating to keep you on track with your Invisalign treatment, as at times it can be tough.

I don’t have any other pain with the Invisalign trays anymore, like I did in the beginning, with it rubbing.

Now I will only have pain coming from the teeth which are being moved by the trays (which I quite like anyway – as you know it is working).

If you do feel slightly de-motivated then please do ask your dentist for your ‘before’ photos, as I do believe this is a great incentive to keep going.

Just remember that pain is good, in regards to the movement of your teeth, and also why you even started the treatment in the first place.

Jenna’s Invisalign Journey – Months 5 and 6

The FIRST HURDLE with my Invisalign treatment, was going on holiday with the trays.

Being on holiday, where you are constantly having nice food and drinks, made it very difficult with the trays – having to remove them so often.

Although I did indulge on holiday (as you should), but was very honest with Dr Wong about how long I was wearing my trays for. We decided that I should wear the same trays for an extra week.

If at any point you feel like you haven’t worn them as religiously as you were before, its best to be really honest with your dentist, as ill-fitting trays could delay your treatment by having to go back and rectify the movement.

Jenna’s Invisalign Journey – Months 3 and 4

As the months go by, there isn’t a lot of change in my daily routine, in regards to my Invisalign treatment.  So, I have decided to write my blog every two months now, as I should have a little more to talk about.

I will be very honest and admit that I have started to slack with the amount of times I use the ‘chewies’ throughout the day and probably allow myself more tea and coffee in the mornings than I did when I first started the treatment.

This hasn’t affected my treatment, as the slip ups are only minor, but I have noticed that the trays will feel tighter for longer, in comparison to when I was being very good with my trays.  As I noticed the trays felt tighter than before, this really spurred me on to be extremely thorough with them once again.


Your journey to a new, straighter smile starts here

Offer includes:

FREE Invisalign Consultation (worth £35)
FREE 3D Digital Scan (worth £120)
FREE Teeth Whitening (Worth £295)
FREE Removable Retainers (Worth £250)
FREE 12 Months Aftercare (Worth £70)

We are a GOLD Invisalign Provider

Why not spread the cost of your Invisalign treatment with interest-free credit 

Call 01344 482 882 for further details.

To find out how it feels to have Invisalign, why not check out our blog entries from Jenna, one of our lovely nurses here at CrownWood, who has recently had Invisalign fitted – click HERE

Invisalign Invisible Braces
*Offer does not include your £300 ClinCheck® assessment which is compulsory for Invisalign treatment.
**Terms and conditions apply

Jenna’s Invisalign Journey Month 3

Being well into month 3, with Invisalign, I have really started to notice results and movement, which is truly encouraging.  I am now on tray number 10, soon to be onto 11, and have found that these last few trays have had the most noticeable changes; however, this has meant that I have felt the tightness/mild ache has slightly increased with the new trays.

In the beginning of my treatment, the feeling of a new tray being tight would only last around half the day, whereas now it could take up to two days.

The ache is really manageable and hasn’t affected my day to day life whatsoever, so the slightly firmer feeling has actually been nice for me, as it has meant my teeth are moving.

Whether you are changing your trays weekly or fortnightly, you are aiming for your trays to feel slightly loose before you change to the next one.  If they still feel tight by the end of the week/fortnight, continue to wear your trays until they sit flush against your teeth.

Not following this closely, could prolong your treatment.

Chewie’s are the best thing to keep your trays in place and to keep them flush with your teeth.

Jenna x